The Success of Our Clients

The Stories Behind The Results

“Selling within my webinars is crucially important to my business

having Narware has given us the edge in real time in order to close sales. With the ability to see how the hot prospects are in real time has been something I have never seen before, Narware is the best business decision I have made in a long time.“

Amir Davis

Dynasty Financing

“Everything about Narware is amazing

I have been able to get live information about my clients as they demonstrate different behaviors within my webinars. It has helped all of my agents acquire more listings as well as higher quality prospects. Narware has been a game changer for my business when it comes to webinar sales. I definitely recommend Narware to anyone.

So much so that one of my buddies owns a consulting business and he is hooked on Narware!”

Amanda Williams

First Choice Real Estate

“I have been a huge fan of Narware
since my friend Amanda showed it to me a while back. Narewarte makes it easy to integrate my CRM with my webinars within Zoom. My primary business is consulting and conducting webinars is part of the engagement my clients opt in for and being able to pass data back and forth in real time with my CRM has been amazing!“

Roger Sanchez

Sanchez Consulting

“Narware has been vital in closing sales within my software company.

As prospects come in, my sales people can see all the actions prospects
perform giving my sales people the edge over all other competitors.”

Anthony Burges

Synth Software

“Narware helped my marketing business grow exponentially!

The customer journey functionality made it possible for me to decide where attendees should go if a webinar has already stated or if they arrive way too early.”

Andrew Smith

Ignite Marketing

“I use Narware as part of my teaching platform within my education business
having the ability for me to properly direct my students to the different classes they need to go within the Journey functionality has been the best thing that has happened to my business!“

Elizabeth Brown

ABC Education Services

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“My Business turned completely around”

Jacob M | CEO of 1618 Holdings

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“I Would Definitely Recommend Narware”

Will B | Director of 123 Trade

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“Narware Gives Us Our Competitive Edge”

Joe F | President of Market Traders Institute

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“We grew by 10X”

Tyler L | Vice President of Sales, Smart Trader


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