How to Create a Webinar Funnel That Generates Sales

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How to Create a Webinar Funnel That Generates Sales

You’re hosting a webinar because you’ve heard that they are great at boosting sales. However, this is only true if you build a robust webinar sales funnel, perfecting your pre-event and post-event steps.


The concept of the webinar funnel somewhat resembles the sales funnel. You end up with numerous hot and cold leads, but if you construct a fail-proof webinar funnel, you are guaranteed to get qualified prospects who will convert.


Do you want to know how? Let’s dive in and start with the definition.

What Is a Webinar Funnel?

A webinar funnel is a pathway your targeted online audience takes to sign up for a webinar, learn about your product, and make a purchasing decision. It essentially acts as a lead magnet, with the ultimate goal of making sales and generating revenue.

How to Build a Robust Webinar Funnel That Generates Sales

As the prospects proceed through the webinar funnel, the percentage of people who will remain will gradually decrease. It’s normal and nothing to worry about, as long as your webinar sales funnel is robust and well-developed. So, how can you create one?

 → Start by Sparking Interest

In simple terms, you need bait to get people interested in your webinar. However, before you can drive webinar registrations, you first need to determine who could potentially buy your product, and for this purpose, you must define your buyer persona.


When you know the demographics, psychographics, frustrations, needs, and wants, you can choose a relevant topic that will resonate with your target customers. It’s always advisable to select a topic relevant to a broader audience yet targeted to provide actionable advice.


Tip: Make your webinar free – people are more likely to attend if it doesn’t cost them anything.

 → Bring Inbound Traffic With Personalized Communication and Ads

Now that you’ve perfected your webinar topic, it’s time to get the registrations rolling. At this point, you want to make sure that your webinar landing page contains informative content that communicates what people can expect from your event – give them something special to get excited about.


Consider bringing additional traffic through promoting your event via email campaigns, social channels, and paid media. As a rule of thumb, you want your communications to be nuanced and personalized. Thus, don’t shy away from searching for your ideal audience via LinkedIn or Facebook and contacting them personally, especially if the webinar is highly relevant to them.


Relevant: How to Get People to Sign Up for Webinars

 → Thank People for Registering

Often forgotten, but a quick ‘Thank You’ email goes a long way. It’s a way to leave a good impression and show your appreciation. In addition, prospects who show interest and register are more likely to share your webinar with their social networks, potentially attracting more leads. 

 → Send Event Reminders

You want to optimize your webinar attendance, as you can’t expect that all people who registered will attend. Send a prompt to remind them of the key information and build anticipation.

 → Host a Valuable Webinar

Deliver a high-quality online presentation with exclusive content, industry insights, and interactive Q&A sessions. People are coming to your event to get value, and if you can deliver on that, you’re more likely to secure new customers.

 → Follow Up With Non-converters

Naturally, not all the webinar participants will be interested in taking action after the event. They might not be interested in your product today, or perhaps they have additional questions, so it’s good to follow up with them.


By carefully constructing a webinar funnel, you give your company the best chance of convincing your target audience that your solution is exactly what they are searching for. A strong webinar funnel will increase your sales, and because it can be replicated, you can scale it, reaping the benefits of a high ROI.


At Narware, we work our webinar magic to take your webinar sales to the next level. We can help you capture leads, boost attendance rates, and fully automate the process while infusing you with valuable analytics, so you can learn what works with your online events.

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